A Sea Change
Scientists are already observing the alarming impact of climate change on the seas and oceans around Europe. Warmer temperatures are changing the composition of zooplankton in the North Sea, which in turn affects the species of fish and mammal that feed on it.

In June 2005, research by the Royal Society in the UK revealed that oceans are becoming increasingly acidic as they absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This will make it harder for corals and other organisms to form their shells, while lack of oxygen could bring breathing difficulties for fish.

Scientists estimate that the acidity has already reached levels irreversible in our lifetimes. Swift action is needed to stop further damage.

impact – wpływ
composition – skład
to affect- wpłynąć na coś
to feed on- żywić się czymś
increasingly- coraz bardziej
to absorb- wchłaniać
carbon dioxide- dwutlenek węgla
to form- tworzyć
shell- muszla, skorupa
species – gatunek
mammal – ssak
research – praca badawcza
to reveal – wyjawić
acidic – kwaśny
acidity- kwaśność
lack – brak
to estimate - oceniać
irreversible – nieodwołalny, nieodwracalny
swift – szybki
further - dalszy

źródło: “Enviroment for Europeans” No 21
opracował: Jakub Podmokły

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