ACT ECO on UNEP 2008
Poland, Zakopane
On the occasion of World Environment Day 2008 students from Gimnazjum Secondary School working on environmental project, Act-Eco, held an environmental seminar in their school with participation from invited guests such as the Town Mayor and other local authorities. Among the events planned for the day were:
• Tree planting;
• Lecture on global warming by Dr. Michal Offierski
an expedition leader and member of many Polish
Antarctic Expeditions;
• "Let's Help Our Environment" school poster competition finale;
• Exhibition on still and video photos on our local
environmental problems.
For more information, please contact:
Barbara Szarota
Gimnazjum Secondary School (Act-Eco Team)

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Students who want to do things for others
To take care for the planet
To think responsibly about the fate of next generations.

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  • W Polsce rocznie zużywa się 400 milionów aluminiowych puszek, które można powtórnie przetworzyć oraz wykorzystać i to nieskończenie wiele razy. Sześć puszek ze złomu to oszczędność energii równej spaleniu jednego litra paliwa.


Certyfikat uczestnictwa w WED2010

Kampania o zmianach klimatu Komisja Europejska

WED 2011

WED 2012

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